This year marks exactly 20 years since Jouni Lukkari started as the CEO of MIP Electronics Oy. The path as an entrepreneur has not always been easy. However, with perseverance, courage and positivity, he and his team have successfully steered the company forward, towards a common goal.
- At the time of the business acquisition, I was the Head of Finpro's Trade Center in Prague. The business deal was made around Christmas in 2000 and in August of the following year I officially started as the company’s CEO. I have been now 20 years an owner and entrepreneur, Jouni describes.
In connection with the transaction, the company's name MIP Elektroniikka Oy was filed in its current, more international form. The first year demanded a lot from a fresh entrepreneur: Jouni took a leap into the unknown and was immediately faced with big decisions.
- It was a personally challenging year and certainly the most difficult year in the history of MIP Electronics. At that time, MIP already had a nice history as a manufacturer of measuring instruments. However, the equipment began to be a bit old-fashioned and expensive to develop. As an entrepreneur, I was still inexperienced. That first year taught me that an entrepreneur needs to be really persevering and think long-term!
- Good partners and good products are an extremely important part of this business. Our partners have a long-term background, and it also helps us to be on the edge of time.
Good products are directly reflected in customer satisfaction. The good feedback received from customers is one of Jouni's best moments as an entrepreneur. The long-term functionality of the equipment is an extremely important value for the company. The equipment must last.
Last year with COVID-19 epidemy was worrying, but in the end it had quite little effect on MIP’s operations. Jouni considers his team around him very important for success. Mutual trust is important to him, as well as a desire and willingness to learn something new.
- The entrepreneur's job is to be tenacious and stay positive. You constantly have to try to improve your own doing and activities. When you do your own work well, it gradually begins to show in concrete terms as an increase in business, he encourages.
- As Mauno Koivisto, former Finnish president once said, "Unless we know for sure how it will go, let's say it goes well," he concludes.